Mission Statement
Humanitarian Aid Guernsey was founded on the simple premise of a mother’s love. Natalia Silvester is Polish born and responding to the horrific images of children in war torn Ukraine pouring over the border into her homeland, she reached out to Polish charities to offer help.
Humanitarian Aid Guernsey is a non-profit organisation giving local people an opportunity to donate items specifically requested by charities on the front line. With vans and logistics in place this essential aid can be sent directly to the border. Going forward this charity will look to offer aid to other refugee crisis around the world driven by the same ethos –
immediate aid where it is needed most
‘From tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow’… from our founder’s seed of an idea a team quickly formed around it offering the soil and nurture necessary to grow it into the sapling, the oak tree and now the forest the organisation has become. Across a number of skill sets including compliance, language skills, accountancy, logistics, administration, public relations, human resources, digital marketing and fundraising a group of like-minded volunteers from multiple disciplines came together to create the charity Humanitarian Aid Guernsey. We continue to work tirelessly together to uphold our ethos ‘Immediate aid where it is needed most’
Our work includes delivering vital aid to the front line of the war in Ukraine, working with partnership charities in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Supporting 1500 orphaned children across that region, facilitating donations both monetary and material from the local community to Eastern Europe and supporting Ukrainian refugees arriving on island.

Our ever growing team of volunteers are the lifeblood of the organisation. From the Board of Trustees to the sorting depot every member of the charity is a volunteer. As a non-profit organisation we rely on this essential human resource, our volunteers represent our charity’s ethics and uphold its values when carrying out their charitable duties. We are a committee lead foundation and as such all members of the charity have a voice and are encourage to share ideas of how to expand our initiatives.
If you would like to become a volunteer click here

Immediate Aid where it is needed most
Natalia Silvester
Founder and Chair
As a mother watching my young son sleep and seeing the appalling images of the Ukrainian children fleeing their country, I knew, in that moment, that I had to do everything in my power to help.
Nothing is impossible if you are prepared to work hard. I knew that surrounding myself with like-minded people by reaching out, harnessing the strength of community feeling, facilitating their power to generously donate was the answer. No organisation or individual action is too small to change many lives.
We, as a charity, believe that protecting the humanity and dignity of vulnerable people is our calling, walking the walk is just as important as talking the talk, so we created a dialogue and relationships with charities across Europe to support the current humanitarian crisis.
I thank the dedicated and professional charity team and the Guernsey community for their continuing support.
‘Six Impossible things before breakfast…’ read more

Fundraising & Work
Working in Partnership
Partnerships allow us, as a charity, to access charities already established in the countries bordering Ukraine. The infrastructure and logistics across the border allow us to access the frontline and satisfy ‘immediate aid’ being delivered to ‘where it is needed most’. We also partner with organisations who have the capacity to move large shipments of aid on our behalf from the UK to Eastern Europe. On island our partners vary from local individuals to corporate institutions. Every partner is a link in the chain of aid that allows us to fulfill our mission.

Refugee Support Programme

Guernsey Ukrainian Sponsorship Scheme

In the early days of the War, before we became a registered charity, we were asked to support the Sanctuary Foundation in their efforts to convince the UK government to allow Ukrainian refugees to enter the country. We put together the video above, not only to promote the Sanctuary’s request but also as a means to prompt our own States of Guernsey to act swiftly once the UK scheme was adopted. We are happy to say that the on island Family Scheme has been in place for a number of weeks and the Sponsorship Scheme is now being rolled out.
Recognising that immediate aid is not only a requirement abroad, we as a charity, see an immediate need for language skills to be applied across not only the States of Guernsey but the support network that needs to be in place for inbound Ukrainian beneficiaries. We have created a team of interpreters to facilitate this goal.
The States of Guernsey have reached out to us and requested our interpreter services. Our Interpreter Team is made up using the linguistics skills provided by community projects Guernsey Ukraine Support Hub and Stand With Ukraine Guernsey lead by Humanitarian Aid Guernsey VSI Team Leader, Natalie Fielding.
We are also liaising with the States of Guernsey over Policy and Best Practice. We have met with the Luxembourg volunteer service who work closely with their government, to provide refugee support and now we and the States are working in partnership to deliver a similar program on island.
For more information, follow the links below
The States of Guernsey Ukraine Coordination Support Team
Phone number 01481 220001 option 3
Email address ukraine@gov.gg
Humanitarian Aid Guernsey Volunteer Support Interpreter Team Leader
Natalie Fielding
Phone number 07839 190 573
Email address interpreter@humanitarianaid.gg